A country I'd like to visit

For a long time I wanted to travel to Peru, specialy Machu Pichu and the amazon jungle. This because I have a special interest in the Incas culture, and in all the ecosistem of the jungle. I'm studing architecture, and for me all ruins and the knowledge of the ancient cultures are the best inspirations. Machu Pichu is a city built with perfectly sculpted stone blocks, on the heights of the middle of the mountain range, so I can't wait to see how they did it. Also the nature is wanderful, all the rare species that can be seen makes the best adventure that you can be. I wish i could have the chance soon to be thear, and to experience all this things. All i know is that is not very expencive if you ´put the best of your effort. Time is running out for me.

Resultado de imagen para machu picchuResultado de imagen para amazonia peruana


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